"Three Lynxes in the Moonlight"
"Lynxes by the Wildwood Fire"
"Under the Stars II"
"Spirits of the Woods III"
Talerzyk "Lynx I"
Talerzyk "Lynx II"
Czarka z zającami
Patera "Midnight Dance"
"Wildflower I"
"Wildflower II"
"Under the Night Sky I"
Patera ,,Night Forest Guardians"
Patera "Beetles"
Patera ,,Forest Guardians"
Talerzyk "Nocturnal Flowers III"
Talerzyk "Nocturnal Flowers II"
Talerzyk "Nocturnal Flowers I"
,,Dance of the Fire Spirits II"
"Twilight Tails"
"Dance of the Fire Spirits III"